Wild Bird Egg Replica Project

When we arrived on birds within our animal block, I knew I wanted to replicate Hana’s, with Pepper and Pine, egg project. Her YouTube video has been so helpful in avoiding mistakes that I’m almost sure we would have made without her wonderful guidance. We made a couple of deviations from her process. We were able to use Elmer’s glue for all our gluing processes. I didn’t have the scrapbooking supplies that she listed on her video, so when she used tape to place the eggs on a small piece of sturdy paper, we just glued the egg using Elmer’s glue. We also used our air-dry clay that we already had on hand for our clay (aff link below). In place of a hot-glue gun, we just used Elmer’s glue again for gluing our finished eggs onto the display board. For paint we used a cheap set of ganache paints from Michael’s, but I found a similar set on Amazon for you. Our supplies included:

Air-dry Clay

Elmer’s glue

Watercolor paper

Sturdy piece of cardboard

Yarn to hang the board

A cheap set of gouache paints

replicate bird eggs for nature study in our animal block

I can’t recommend this project enough. Not only did we learn about all kinds of different birds. We talked about the shape of the eggs and what advantage they could have. We learned that eggs in nests in trees are more likely to be green or blue, while those in nests on the ground are more likely to be modeled with colors for camouflage. We also had to use measurement and estimation to come up with the correct size and shape of the egg. In addition all the play with color combinations and the use of the color theory that we know (not very much) was so much fun. Asside to all of the learning, both the process and the product were so gratifying.

It was a serval day process. We took two days to make the eggs out of clay. The eggs took a couple of days to dry, so by the time we were ready to paint, the first set of eggs from day 1 were dry. It also took us a couple of days to paint the eggs.

We used three books for reference: 

📚 Birds, Nests and Eggs by Mel Boring

📚 An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston

📚 Bird, Egg, Feather, Nest by Maryjo Koch

All these books are wonderful on their own, but they also all had eggs within their pages for reference.  Birds, Nests, and Eggs was clear that the eggs shown were life-size (or had descriptions of their sizes), However we double checked the eggs that we used as reference from the other two books to be sure. We did have to look up some of the egg sizes. 

The YouTube Video that we used as a reference for this project from Hana is called HOW TO MAKE BIRD EGG REPLICAS. I love how they turned out. This was one of our more successful projects.

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sarah Brown says:

    Looks like the video is set to private :(.

    1. Hi Sarah. Thanks for letting me know. Hana has decided to focus on family, and had informed me that she was going to close Pepper and Pine. I wasn’t sure that would include her videos.

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